Friday, January 15, 2010

Heading Home


My trip is over. It was fun but very uncreative. I'm sitting at BWI in the Southwest terminal waiting to board. One nice trend in airport travel I've noticed since last year is more free wireless. Makes sense. If you can occupy someone's time while they wait, they'll be happy campers. I know I am.

I'm so so so spoiled after being connected on high speed internet all week. It's unbelievable what one can accomplish when you don't have to wait on every page to load, reload, validate, revalidate, update, etc. I feel an internet rant coming on... after I catch up. I'm going to be so far behind. Ooops, they're calling my number. Hope you've had a great week!


Unknown said...

Marley, you're to be congratulated for maintaining your blog faced with all that "interference". Good on you.

Bill Kirton said...

Welcome home, Marley. Good luck v the Cardinals today.