Sunday, February 28, 2010

And the Last Place Medal goes to...

The Olympics is over and another writing challenge is done. And though I'm happy with my total word count, this challenge wasn't as much about making the magic amount of 50,000 words but about creating habits that will get me through work days, unscheduled mishaps, and anything else that might interfere with my daily writing goals.

As we watched the winter Olympics we viewed two weeks of competitions. The grand prize is the Gold but think about it. The gold medal sometimes represents a second, a style point, or in the case of the Canada-US hockey game - a goal. And what happens to the non-Gold winners? We forget them. What a shame!

We don't remember the other team in the Super Bowl, the fourth runner up in the ladies figure skating, or the ones in our writing challenges like Nano who struggled through the challenge achieving their personal best. Bully for them for achieving more than they ever have. What could we accomplish if we all strive to achieve our personal best? That's what it's about - each individual's attempt do their best. We are all winners when we persevere on a daily basis to achieve our dreams.

Okay, I'm a total Olympic freak. I watched a couple hours worth every day. Congratulations to all my Canadian friends on their athletes' success and on a most enjoyable Olympics.


Bill Kirton said...

Yep, I watched more than I should of all those people sliding about and falling over and enjoyed it a lot. And I find the whole business of 'Show me a silver medallist and I'll show you a loser' depressing. Do things, do them as well as you can, enjoy doing them and get the satisfaction that goes naturally with that. I suspect the 'I hate losing' brigade have some serious gaps in their lives and psyches - they always sound so incomplete, so desperate.

Anonymous said...

You are so right, Bill

Give me the humble striver any day!

Unknown said...

Humble Strivers R Us

Anonymous said...

We sure R. acknowledged humility humble?

Bill Kirton said...

It is where Michael's concerned.