Tuesday, May 5, 2009


They called it a Straight line wind event. (There's an interesting video and article there of a derecho.) It came through so much faster than the tornados I've seen which give plenty of warning. This traveled at 70-80 mph with sideways wind and rain. They mentioned another name for it this morning - a derecho - A line of intense, widespread, and fast-moving thunderstorms that moves across a great distance. They are characterized by damaging straight-line winds over hundreds of miles. Spanish for straight.

Yesterday evening, a few of us were parked at the end of our driveways on the road trying to get reception on our cell phones. Most of the phones are out.

Damage at some of our neighbors' homes.

There's a jeep under this tree and a tree on the motor home behind the house.

The transformer was transported a good distance from its perch on one of the polls and landed near another couple of downed trees.

And if it hadn't been for a bigger tree, the leaning one would have nailed this neighbor's house.

We were very blessed that this storm didn't do more damage to the houses/vehicles or injure anyone.

1 comment:

Leah Braemel said...

OMG - that is the weird cloud I've ever seen. I can't say I've ever heard of a derecho before, but with that picture I'm not likely to forget it.

So glad to hear you & CFM are okay, and the house is undamaged. Hopefully it stays that way. I take it you still don't have power?