Sunday, January 4, 2009

Two 2008 reviews

Mine first:
Some of my goals last year were to attend a conference, pitch OTHR and FIMB, get a request for something from an agent or editor, Start the RCM book and work on sequels to OTHR.

Even with the bad job experience from August to mid November that drained all my creativity, I managed to accomplish most of that.
I submitted my manuscripts as requested to an agent from the conference but never heard anything.
Submitted to a publisher and the editor sent me a very helpful and encouraging rejection letter.
Qualified for PRO status.
Had my website professionally redesigned by Rae Monet.
After struggling with NWPBIC (No wanna put butt in chair), because of the support of my CPs, especially Leah and Cadence, I began RCM.
Entered two contests with decent results.
Lost twenty pounds and kept fifteen of it off.

Another perspective on 2008. Uncle Jay explains the News!

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