Friday, May 30, 2008

Staying positive

It's tough to do, stay positive in an environment where other authors you know are completing books, selling, making the NYT list, making money and it's what you really want to do. But there's such a thing as paying your dues, learning as you write, growing in the craft and in the business. None of the other careers I had happened overnight. They all took hard work, challenge, and education. All uncomfortable stuff.

On the mail route yesterday, I was listening to Carla Neggers' and Brenda Novak's workshops on the RWA cds. What an inspiration Brenda is, but how daunting to see what she accomplishes in a short period of time with 5 children and a busy life.

Carla's advice not to compare yourself to other writers, to understand that we all have our own style and pace reminded me of something Wayne Dyer said:

"Everything is as it should be. Just because dreams aren't manifesting now doesn't mean they never will. We are exactly where we are supposed to be, everything is happening exactly as it was meant to, I am who I am supposed to be at this time."

And the ancient advice which has been proven to work over and over:

ACT AS IF. (I used to have that on my phone, and it's going back on it.)

Act as if what I want is already here, it just needs to be attracted to me - the alignment of my intention with divine purpose.

I believe I've discovered this passion for writing for a reason. As good as my singing voice is I never had that passion to accomplish anything with it, just enjoyed listening to it. So I have to believe I will succeed.


Leah Braemel said...

Gee, I wonder what (or who) inspired this post. *grimaces*

Act as if.

As if I'm going crazy?

As if people look at me sideways when I mutter to myself?

Oh oh, better get off that topic - my mind is starting to go off on tangents, including a real kinky one ... that's a different post.

Cora Zane said...

My choice motto comes from Nike - Just Do It. Who ever came up with that marketing phrase deserves a medal.

Just write.
Just type.
Just put words on paper and if it's awful no one has to know but me.
Just follow the characters and see what they do, then write it down.

Writing is such an up and down emotional roller coaster. I thought eventually it would get easier, dealing with the tension when I can't seem to get out what I want to say. Or when a story sags, or I write something and go back to read it only to find I think it's pretty terrible.

But then I've read interviews by a few NYT best selling authors mention having self-doubts even after years of being at the highest rung of publishing success, so I've learned that these emotions are part and partial to the job - they're going to stick with me whatever the level of success I reach.

And that Brenda Novak sounds like a genius: Never compare yourself to another writer/author and their work. Amen to that!