Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Gearing up for the Romance Novel Convention

The Romance Novel Convention begins on July 9th and it's been a busy six months. New webpages, workshops, revising Undone, finishing Storm Crazy, rewriting Hard Days Knight, and publishing all three in ebook and print.

So much to do during my busy season for my day job. But here it is. All goals have nearly been accomplished. Making final touches on the Scrivener workshop and Hard Days Knight so it will make its debut next week in time for RNC.

So many exciting events in Vegas - costumer party, workshops, Pin the meeting Jimmy Thomas and some other cover models. (I am so going to pick their brains when I get the chance for the Under-Cover Knights series.) the Rone Awards and lots more... We might even get to take in a show, maybe even Shania Twain...woohoo!

Are you going? Please look me up!! I'll arrive Wednesday the 9th!

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