After the terrible depression that winter brings it is such a relief to sit by the bayou finally and listen to birds chirp, squirrels chatter, hummingbirds hum, the breeze ruffle the leaves. The new chimes lend a soothing melody to it all ranging from just single ringing tones to a light musical clang.( And then there's the crop duster in the background dusting the soybeans - mostly - with fertilizer and insecticide. Ugh!)
I can't help but think of the Psalm - "He leads me beside still waters, it restores my soul." I'm not sure I could ever move away from the beauty and peace that living near the water affords. If you know that I grew up in a subdivision 8 miles from the D.C. line, you might think that strange. Guess it just goes to show how flexible we are. I never would have thought I'd be shooting snakes, watching for alligators and working for my husband in his crawfish trailer either. But then I never had dreams of how my life would turn out to be after I lost the big one - getting to the moon as the first woman astronaut.
That is not until I gave in to desire to write. Someone asked on a blog or twitter somewhere what you would do if you won the lottery. How would your life change? What would get rid of, where would you live, what would you keep?
I'd live somewhere cooler, probably South Carolina, closer to my favorite Navy Guy, and to prime fishing for hubby. Build a house on a lake and WRITE full time.
What about you?
Hire more help so I can take more time away from real job to write. Travel more, and FINALLY redo my kitchen!
I'd ditch the house - fix it up and give it to Alex, then I'd move. Where? Probably Vancouver Island. Olympic Mountains in the distance to the south, the majestic Mount Hood off to the East, mountains behind, and the Strait of Juan de Fuca in front of me (or the Strait of Georgia, either one would do.) Beside the main house which would have a huge two person jacuzzi in the master bedroom bathroom and a solarium, I'd have a cottage just for myself to write in with no interruptions.
And like Dani I'd travel. England. Texas. Louisiana. California. Maryland. England. Germany. Italy. England. (seeing a pattern?)
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